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公司名称: 广州多丰电子有限公司 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2005 
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 11 - 50 人 
年销售额: 250万 - 500万 
主要产品: 各类汽车线束、塑胶面板、车载多媒体导航(使用200多
All kinds of automobile wiring harness, the
plastic panel, the vehicle multimedia navigation
(200 a variety of models), intelligent vehicle
traveling data recorder, phone holder, the
original car DVD modified speakers, navigation
tool for dismounting, 300 a variety of special car
horn pad, horn, adapter
公司简介: 广州多丰电子有限公司(神龙影音线材)是一家专业从事汽车各连接器线束、汽车手提数码音箱、汽车导航改装等一系列电子产品研发、生产与销售为一体的企业。并且可以为各生产汽车影音厂家进行配套服务,公司产品广泛用于汽车工业。品质上乘、价格优惠、远销东南亚、欧洲等世界各地,并深受用户的好评。公司自2005年正式成立至今10周年,一直奉行“制造精品,创造典范”的企业文化里面,以*优良的品质,*优惠的价格和做真诚的服务来赢得顾客的满意,是多丰全体员工的*终目标与骄傲。
Guangzhou Electronics Company Limited (Dragon audio wire) is a professional engaged in the automobile vehicle harness connector, portable digital speaker, car navigation modification and a series of electronic product development, production and sales as one of the enterprises. And supporting services for the production of car audio manufacturers, products are widely used in automotive industry. Superior quality, price concessions, exported to Southeast Asia, Europe and other parts of the world, and praised by users. The company was established in 2005 has been 10 years, has been pursuing a "manufacturing quality, create a model of" enterprise culture, the most excellent quality to win customer satisfaction, the most favorable price and sincere service is the ultimate goal of Feng, and proud of all the staff.
广州多丰电子有限公司 / 广东 / 广州市白云区白云大道北文盛庄路嘉禾八一科技园C栋2楼 (510000) / 电话:020—36787065


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